
2024 07 08-12

NeuroDataReHack at the HHMI Janelia Research Campus

2024 07 02

Open Neurodata Showcase hosted virtually in Gather

2024 04 15-16

NWB and DANDI Workshop at Baylor College of Medicine

2024 02 29

NWB and DANDI Tutorial at the COSYNE Conference


As an exercise, let’s assume you lose all the data in your lab. What would you want from the archive? Our hope is that your answer to this question, the necessary data and metadata that you need, is at least what we should be storing.

  1. A cloud-based platform to store, process, and disseminate data. You can use DANDI to collaborate and publish datasets.
  2. Open access to data to enable secondary uses of data outside the intent of the study.
  3. Optimize data storage and access through partnerships, compression and accessibility technologies.
  4. Enables reproducible practices and publications through data standards such as NWB and BIDS.
  5. The platform is not just an endpoint to dump data, it is intended as a living repository that enables collaboration within and across labs.

For a better view of how DANDI might help you, please see these onboarding slides.