Loading example datasets
Installation and setup
It is recommended that you use a conda environment with Python >= 3.8 and numpy. (Would someone like to document how to use conda?)
Install spikeinterface
pip install --upgrade spikeinterface[full]
Install the dandi CLI
pip install dandi
Install and set up kachery-cloud
pip install --upgrade kachery-cloud
# follow the instructions to associate your client with your Google user name on kachery-cloud
Allen Institute example
Here is one minute of a recording shared by Josh. The below script downloads the file from kachery-cloud. This file is 1.4 GB, so will take 1-10 minutes to load, depending on your internet connection.
The full recording is available via dropbox link. You’ll also need this probe file.
This code snippet shows how to load the file from kachery and the associated probe file
import kachery_cloud as kcl
import spikeinterface as si
import probe
# Load recording
uri = 'ipfs://bafybeihqetpnwdiiujilgr4psqhjbriitaf2gk4ili3fjioonhfquj23ce?label=continuous_1min.dat?label=hackathon_example_data_allen/Neuropix-PXI-100_ProbeA-AP/continuous_1min.dat'
fname = kcl.load_file(uri)
rec = si.read_binary(fname, sampling_frequency=30000, num_chan=384, dtype='int16')
probe_group = pi.read_probeinterface("NP1_standard_config.json")
rec = rec.set_probegroup(probe_group)
# Print recording information
print(f'Sampling frequency (Hz): {rec.get_sampling_frequency()}')
print(f'Duration (minutes): {rec.get_total_duration() / 60}')
print(f'Num. channels: {rec.get_num_channels()}')
Example dataset from DANDI
Recordings from medial entorhinal cortex during linear track and open exploration
Browse dataset: DANDI:000053
The entire dataset is 1.4 TB. Please don’t try to download the entire file during the hackathon - we’ll run out of bandwidth.
You can download individual files. However, so that we don’t all download the same files at once, we should try to coordinate the download of large files and transfer between computers using an external hard drive.
Download an individual .nwb ephys file from this dataset
This one has a duration of around 2 hours with 384 channels (approx 64 GB). Please coordinate the download with others so we are not all redundantly downloading the same file.
dandi download https://dandiarchive.org/dandisets/000053/versions/"draft"/assets/?path="sub-npJ3/sub-npJ3_ses-20190504_behavior+ecephys.nwb"
Load using SpikeInterface
import spikeinterface.extractors as se
fname = 'sub-npJ3_ses-20190504_behavior+ecephys.nwb'
# Load the recording and print info
rec = se.read_nwb_recording(fname)
print(f'Sampling frequency (Hz): {rec.get_sampling_frequency()}')
print(f'Duration (minutes): {rec.get_total_duration() / 60}')
print(f'Num. channels: {rec.get_num_channels()}')
# Extract the first 3 minute and print info
rec2 = rec.frame_slice(0, int(3 * 60 * rec.get_sampling_frequency()))
print(f'Sampling frequency (Hz): {rec2.get_sampling_frequency()}')
print(f'Duration (minutes): {rec2.get_total_duration() / 60}')
print(f'Num. channels: {rec2.get_num_channels()}')
Upload recording to kachery cloud
Note that you can only do this for relatively small recordings (<5 GB)
import sortingview as sv
rec = ... # recording extractor
uri = sv.upload_recording_extractor(rec, serialize_dtype='int16', label='sub-npJ3_ses-20190504.1min.recording')
# ipfs://bafkreib5b5xawvlt2dvwsdrei4d5etfetyhxviucldd2wxzr4nb7veewue?label=sub-npJ3_ses-20190504.1min.recording
Loading the recording from kachery cloud
import sortingview as sv
uri = 'ipfs://bafkreib5b5xawvlt2dvwsdrei4d5etfetyhxviucldd2wxzr4nb7veewue?label=sub-npJ3_ses-20190504.1min.recording'
rec = sv.load_recording_extractor(uri)
print(f'Sampling frequency (Hz): {rec.get_sampling_frequency()}')
print(f'Duration (minutes): {rec.get_total_duration() / 60}')
print(f'Num. channels: {rec.get_num_channels()}')
# Sampling frequency (Hz): 30000.0
# Duration (minutes): 1.0
# Num. channels: 384
See spikeforest for recordings with ground-truth sortings.
International Brain Lab Benchmarks
Four samples of Neuropixels 1.0 are provided here. For s3 users, the data and companion guide are here: s3://ibl-brain-wide-map-public/spikesorting/benchmark/
Downloading and loading scripts are provided in the ibl folder here
session | probe | regions |
CSH_ZAD_026/2020-09-04/001 | probe00 | vis, ca, thalamus |
CSH_ZAD_029/2020-09-09/001 | probe00 | vis, ca, thalamus |
SWC_054/2020-10-05/001 | probe00 | cerebellum, medulla |
SWC_054/2020-10-05/001 | probe01 | vis, ca, thalamus |