Add Neuropixel Destriping tool in Spike Interface
Key Investigators
Olivier Winter (IBL) Kush Banga (IBL) Mayo Faulkner (IBL)
Project Description
We have developed a pre-processing module for Neuropixel probes that improves line noise removal over CAR. This takes into account rephasing the channels, automatic detection of bad channels and spatial filtering.
Implement and distribute as part of Spike Interface. Here the code should be straightforward, this is more about providing examples and documentation.
Approach and Plan
1) Agree on the plan to move the code, alternatives are: - depend on IBL packages - fork: copy / paste in spike interface - create and use a minimal common dependency in a separate repository that both IBL and SI would use - use as part of the pykilosort sorter 2) Write examples and move some tests over to SI. Provide an example dataset
Progress and Next Steps
We currently have a running version in the pykilosort port of IBL, that depends on our signal processing library. We also have a draft white paper, that will be finished and part of the IBL methods procedure by the time we meet for the hackathon.