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Spike sorting hackathon hybrid event

Dates and Location


This event aims to bring together spike sorting developers and experts to tackle open and unsolved spike sorting issues and to move the spike sorting field forward in an open and highly collaborative fashion.

Given the fast-paced and constantly evolving neurotechnology that is becoming increasingly available to neuroscientists across the globe, we believe that the spike sorting community should join forces to find novel and scalable solutions for fully reproducible and accurate spike sorting in the years to come.

In light of the recent efforts for standardization and unification of spike sorting software (especially with the SpikeInterface and SpikeForest projects), this hackaton is expected to provide a tangible contribution to the electrophysiology field to make new and integrate existing tools for the community.

Come join the developers of popular spike sorting tools including YASS, SpikeInterface, SpyKING CIRCUS, Mountainsort, and many more!


The event will be in a hybrid format. We have reached capacity for on-site participants, but anyone is welcome to join remotely.

Please complete the registration form so that we can send you announcements about the event.




In order to maximize the output of the Hackathon, we invite all participants to familiarize with the SpikeInterface framework. An introductory tutorial is available here.

In addition, we invite the participants to the following virtual pre-events:

April 14th at 5-6:30 pm CET: Advanced SpikeInterface tutorial for developers

Alessio and Samuel will lead an internal and technical walkthrough of SpikeInterface. This presentation is intended to help potential contributors of the projects.

May 12th, 5-6:30 pm CET: Hackathon project round-table

Each project will be invited to give a 2-5 minute presentation. We will discuss and self-organize around projects we want to develop, refining teams and objectives for each project.

Video recordings for the two meetings are available here

Also remember that we still have the recurring monthly meeting on spike sorting modularization every first Monday of the month. Anyone is invited to attend and optionally present recent advances on methods for spike sorting. Contact us in case you would like to be added to the recurring meeting mailing list.


We will be organizing our goals for the hackathon around Projects, which can be submitted to this website via GitHub. All participants are encouraged to start a new project or join an existing project. For questions, discussions, and ideas, do not hesitate to open issues on the event GitHub page

List of Projects

The list below provides an overview of specific projects for which at least one or more attendees have signed up for to contribute to. Projects are collaborative in nature. If you are attending the hackathon and are interested in participating in any of the existing projects then please contact the team listed on the project page and add your name to the list of participants for the project.

To propose a new project, start from the Template Project and follow the instructions here.

The recommended way to share and contribute code and files during this hackathon


Downloading and interacting with shared datasets

Organizing Committee


This event is sponsored by the Center for Computational Mathematics at the Flatiron Institute and by the Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain.